You can leave an approved review for a business by following the steps below. 

Starting on the business's profile page, Click the blue Rate & Review button in the top right of the screen. 

After the pop up window opens, you will see stars next to each of the criteria. Hover over the 1-5 stars and select a rating.

“1-star” – Did not meet expectations
“2-star” – Slightly below expectations
“3-star” – Met expectations
“4-star” – Slightly above expectations
“5-star” – Exceeded expectations

Click on the stars to select your level of satisfaction for each of the criteria listed. Under the criteria you will see "I recommend this Provider" think of this as a word of mouth referral to friends, family and colleagues. Click next. Please Note: A three stars is that you had satisfactory service and a five star should only be used when a business has displayed the criteria category in an incredible way.

The following pop up will be a window that will ask, "What did you like best?" and "What would you improve?" These questions will be asked about the Check-in Experience, Provider Visit Experience, Checkout Experience. Type your answers to the following questions, providing as much detail as you feel comfortable and helpful to other members, as well as the business. Click next. Please Note: Reviews are more than just testimonials of a business, but rather a more detailed experience of your visit or session with that business.

After clicking next, a green box will notify you in the top right of the screen, that the review has been submitted successfully. 

At this point the moderator will be notified to either accept or decline the submitted review. On your Member Profile under the Reviews Tab you will be able to keep track of the status of your review. 

The submitted reviews will show as status as either, Approved, Pending or Declined. When a review is Declined a red message from the moderator will be received. You will then be able to edit the comment by clicking the blue pencil in the top right of the review box, so that you can make the changes and re-submit. 

After your review has been Approved either from the first submission or by being edited and resubmitted. A green approved status will be displayed in the top right of the review box and that is how you know you have successfully left a review. 

For a video of the provided information, please see below.