Ratings and Reviews (if approved) are live upon submission. As a general rule, we do not remove reviews, good or bad. We feel how a business responds to reviews is a reflection of the service they provide. Hence, we offer transparency into how the business and Member communicated to resolve any issues. Both businesses and the Member who wrote the review can reply to the initial review which will be available to be read by other Members. We encourage both parties to conduct themselves in a professional manner. As a consumer of services, we feel it is important for you to be able to view both sides of the story and draw your own conclusions. One specific Member’s experience may not be what you experience and vice versa.
If we are notified that the Review took place by a Member who did not experience the service firsthand, we may remove the review temporarily until the matter is sorted. If in fact, the review is fraudulent, the review will be permanently removed and the reviewer will be in violation of the Terms of Service.